Sunday, July 28, 2013

Orc Arrer Boyz

Finished up with my first rank of Arrer Boyz. My biggest beef with these models is that they don't rank up very well at all. To that end, I've decided to reposition the arms on these models. So after some careful sawing, and repositioning, and green stuffing I've come up with these. The next rank that I'll do will also be repositioned.

I've also done some head swaps with the Orc regiment box and I also have some of the old, old Drastic Plastic Orcs and I've swapped in one of those heads as well.

The two main clothing colors are Vallejo Game Color Cold Grey and the old GW Bubonic Brown. As per usual, the non-skin areas were highlighted up with Bleached Bone. After everything was painted, the model was given a wash of 2-1 Devlan Mud, Badab Black.

Skin: Knarloc Green, Elf Flesh highlights.

Skin: Camo Green, Bad Moon Yellow highlights..

Skin: Coat d'Arms Goblin Green, Bleached Bone highlights.

Skin: Catachan Green, Elf Flesh highlights.

Skin: Goblin Green, Bad Moon Yellow highlights.

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