Sunday, January 20, 2013

Night Goblin Archers

Here is another rank of Night Goblin Archers.

The color scheme for this rank is Bleached Bone and Chaos Black split on the hoods. The tunic is Bleached Bone.

The non-skin areas were higlighted up with Bleached Bone as usual.

After the model was highlighted it was washed with a 2:1 mix of Devlan Mud and Badab Black respectively. I experimented with thinning down the mix with some water. I won't do this again as it seems to increase the surface tension of the mix. It left some rings and a less smooth transition as with the undiluted mix. I did go back in afterwards and highlighted the Bleached bone areas.

Skin tone: Snot Green with Elf Flesh highlights.

 I added a little mushroom made out of some green stuff and a toothpick.

Skin tone: Gretchin Green with Bad Moon Yellow highlights.

Skin tone: Knarloc Green with Bleached Bone highlights.

Skin tone: Camo Green with Elf Flesh highlights.

Skin tone: Coat d'arms Goblin Green with Bad Moon Yellow highlights.

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