Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Night Goblin Shaman

Just finished working on this Night Goblin Shaman. I wanted to spend a little bit more time working on this guy and try out a few new techniques.

Skin: Gretchin Green highlighted with Bad Moon Yellow.


So I started with laying down base coats. Then I gave it a Badab Black wash. I think the brush I used was too small and I ended up getting a blotchy kind of covering. So I think in the future if I try this again, I'll use a bigger brush or try to apply it in a more controlled manner.

Then, I went back in and reapplied the base coats. I tried to blend it up to maintain smooth transitions.

At this point, I went in and highlighted all the non-skin areas up with bleached bone.

Next step was to give the whole model a wash of Devlan Mud.

Finally, I went in and fixed a few spots. Had to re-establish some highlights in a few places.

Pretty happy with how it turned out. I know I still have a ways to go to get where I want, but after a while you just have to put the model down and say, "Finished."