Friday, October 19, 2012

Goblin Spearmen

Here is my unit of Goblin spearmen, expanded to 35 spears. Look upon my works ye mighty, and despair!

Actually, I should post a pic of the rearside of this unit; as that is what you'll prob be seeing as they high-tail it off the board

But semi-seriously, lots of these were painted & based ages ago. Someday will get around to repainting this lot.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Orc Character on Boar

This is an OOP Orc character riding a boar. On the blister packaging he went by the name of "Grotfang."

I painted this guy a long time ago and at the time, my main technique was to dry brush everything. I really like the model and I don't think the paint job is too bad for tabletop gaming.

I would like to eventually repaint him as I think I've progressed in some painting techniques. But for now I'm happy with it.

I made the banner out of a piece of paper folded in half. I used the lightning bolt motif to echo the design on the choppa and on the boar.

I free handed the design on the shield using a micron pen to outline the design.

The skin color, iirc, was Dark Angel's Green, followed by Goblin Green, followed by Rotting Flesh. I may have used a green ink wash over that. I don't really recall.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this blast from the past.