Sunday, December 9, 2012

Night Goblin Archers

Here is another rank of Night Goblin Archers.

The color scheme for this rank is Codex Grey for the top and the tunic is split with Bleached Bone and Bubonic Brown.

The non-skin areas were higlighted up with Bleached Bone as usual.

After the model was highlighted it was washed with a 2:1 mix of Devlan Mud and Badab Black respectively.

The netter was covered in a previous post. netter

Skin tone: Catachan Green with Elf Flesh highlights.

Skin tone: Goblin Green with Bad Moon Yellow highlights

Skin tone: Snot Green with Bleached Bone highlights

Skin tone: Gretchin Green with Elf Flesh highlights 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Night Goblin Archers

Here is another rank of 5 Night Goblin Archers.

The first 3 were dipped in Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin. The last two were washed with a 2:1 mix of Devlan Mud and Badab Black respectively. The dip works great on the grey part but on the bone paint you can really see the difference in staining the color compared with the wash.

The clothing color scheme was Bleached Bone for the top and Codex Grey for the bottom.

As usual, the non-skin pieces were highlighted up with Bleached Bone. After this it was either washed or dipped.

Skin Tone: Catachan Green with Elf Flesh Highlights
Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin Dip

Skin Tone: Camo Green with Bad Moon Yellow Highlights
Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin Dip

Skin Tone: Goblin Green oop/Coat d'arms Gob green with Bleached Bone highlights
Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin Dip

Skin Tone: Goblin Green with Elf Flesh Highlights
Washed with 2:1 Devlan/Badab

Skin Tone: Catachan Green with Bad Moon Yellow Highlights
Washed with 2:1 Devlan/Badab

Friday, October 19, 2012

Goblin Spearmen

Here is my unit of Goblin spearmen, expanded to 35 spears. Look upon my works ye mighty, and despair!

Actually, I should post a pic of the rearside of this unit; as that is what you'll prob be seeing as they high-tail it off the board

But semi-seriously, lots of these were painted & based ages ago. Someday will get around to repainting this lot.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Orc Character on Boar

This is an OOP Orc character riding a boar. On the blister packaging he went by the name of "Grotfang."

I painted this guy a long time ago and at the time, my main technique was to dry brush everything. I really like the model and I don't think the paint job is too bad for tabletop gaming.

I would like to eventually repaint him as I think I've progressed in some painting techniques. But for now I'm happy with it.

I made the banner out of a piece of paper folded in half. I used the lightning bolt motif to echo the design on the choppa and on the boar.

I free handed the design on the shield using a micron pen to outline the design.

The skin color, iirc, was Dark Angel's Green, followed by Goblin Green, followed by Rotting Flesh. I may have used a green ink wash over that. I don't really recall.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this blast from the past.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Goblin Warboss

So I was looking at the current GW version of a Goblin Warboss with sword and board, and I found myself thinking, "I could convert something like that fairly easily." So I set about gathering up various bits and finally settled on this idea. It's my first real attempt at sculpting or kit-bashing.
The basic form is from the plastic Goblin kit. The hair on top is from the boar chariot kit. The skull is from an old Orc warrior kit. The sword and arms are from the Goblin kit. The shield is from the Orc vs. Empire 6th ed. starter set. The trophy head is from the wolf rider sprue.
I sculpted the chin guards on his helmet out of green stuff. The red "epaulets," are green stuff. The spikey shoulder guard was made from green stuff and a toothpick. I bought a small size chain off ebay and green stuffed it to the shield. Sculpted some chain mail for the loincloth type thing. I added a spikey knee guard to one knee. On the right foot I added a dag type piece of footwear that I made out of a flat piece of a plastic milk carton. On the left foot I green stuffed some armor to the foot.
Skin tone: OOP Goblin Green/Coat d' Arms Goblin Green. Blended up highlights with Elf Flesh. This is becoming my favorite combo.
The base colors on everything else were blended up to Bleached Bone.

After everything was painted and highlighted, I washed it all with 2 - 1 mix of Devlan mud and Badab black. I went back in afterwards and re-highlighted some of the pieces.

So, all in all, I'm pretty happy with the conversion. But...with all the time I took figuring out how to do it, I think I might have been better off just buying the current version. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Goblin Spearmen

A unit of Goblin spearmen for your viewing pleasure. Most of these were painted and based ages ago. You can really see some of the different techniques I've tried out. Now that I think I've nailed down a definite color scheme and style, I'll probably end up repainting these guys ...eventually...someday.

Goblin Command

Here's the finished command group for my goblin spears.

The Boss was covered in another post. The standard bearer and musician are from my Wolf Riders. They have magnetized torsos so I just set them up on some infantry legs.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mage Knight Repaint

I picked up this little guy on ebay. I was looking for a champion for my unit of goblins. I had no idea how this guy would scale up against my goblins but was happy to see that it fits in just fine.

It was however, a pain in the ass to strip. Took about a week of soaking in pine-sol. Then lots and lots of careful scraping. The paint in places was just globbed on, completely obscuring the detail. At one point, I thought I had pulled off some of the plastic, only to discover that there was a lot of detail under there.

There were some faults in the casting. I had to re-sculpt the back of the weapon hand. I also sculpted some straps for the shield.

I looked at a lot of Mage Knight figs as possible alts for my O&G. Some are good, some are bad. A lot of the figs seem to be comically out of proportion. Some have almost no detail at all. They might be useful as bits to cut and choose from.

Skin Tone: Catachan green blended up to Bleached bone.

Clothing: Main color is Snakebite leather. As usual, everything is blended up with Bleached bone. Also experimented with adding some chipped paint effects.

Whole model was given a generous wash of Devlan mud - Badab black mixed 2 to 1. Had to go in and touch up a few areas after. Think I might have put it on a bit too thick in some places.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Night Goblin Fanatics

Finished up with a group of three fanatics for my night gobs.

I Love this first sculpt, even with the scale creep that happened with this edition of goblins (this guy is almost as big as an orc).

Skin Tone: I used Catachan green (I think), for the base and highlighted up to a pure Bleached bone.
Clothing: Hood is blood red. Tunic is chaos black. Everything is highlighted up to bleached bone.
After the base and highlights were done I dipped the whole model in Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin Varnish.
The business end of a Fanatic.
 This is another sculpt that is just fantastic. These two were just so enjoyable to paint.
 Skin Tone: Knarloc Green highlighted up to Elf flesh.
Clothing: Hood is Bubonic brown. Tunic is Snakebite leather. These were blended up to Bleached bone for the highlights. Then it was dipped in the Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin. This model and the one above are good examples of what happens when dipping turns out just right.

He's coming right for us!

I spent quite a bit of time debating with myself whether the eyes are actually open or squinted shut. In the end, I decided it was more dramatic to have the eyes shut, spinning around madly and blindly as it were.

 If you think I'm posting a lot of pics of these guys it's only because I'm so happy with the way they turned out.

 Can I get some old school love? These older figs are what drew me to O&G in the first place.
Skin Tone: Camo Green highlighted up to Bad Moon yellow.
 Clothing: Hood is split with Bubonic brown on one side and Snakebite leather on the other. Tunic is Codex grey. Highlighted all with bleached bone. The whole model was given a generous wash of Devlan mud mixed 2 - 1 with Badab black.