Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sigmarite Shrine

Top down view for a Sigmarite Shrine. The rules list it as a building, but I don't see any reason why a shrine can't be a simple monument as well. Maybe you could stick this in front of your building to indicate it as a shrine.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Grail Chapel

Another submission for Universal Battle. This time it's a Grail Chapel. I'm trying to do this one as all vector art. There's still some work that needs to be done on it. Any suggestions for improvement?

Made a few changes to it. I've got it set up with about a 3 inch square footprint.
Made a few more changes. This is more of a top down view. I did have to switch to a raster image just for file size purposes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Conical Roof

Here's a top down version of conical roof. I plan on making a 4 inch and a 2 inch version. Could be used as a house, tower, etc.
Could also do it in a variety of different colors.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Here's a top-down view of an obelisk for Universal Battle. I've got it set up with a 4 inch square footprint.

This could be used as an Elven Waystone, Bane Stone, Sinister Statue, or as a smaller piece of some other scenery.

As always, constructive comments are welcome.

Here's the finished piece:

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Acropolis of Heroes

Acropolis of Heroes

Here's an Acropolis I've been working on for Universal Battle. Let me know what you think. Measures roughly 9" x 11".

Ok, I made a few changes to how it's laid out. I decided to add a little perspective to the pillars. It shouldn't impact game play as the whole area counts as a building you can garrison. So I gave it some nice marble pillars and added a sword to the dais. I really like how it turned out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2500 pt
Orcs & Goblins vs Tomb Kings Battle Report

Ok, so this isn't so much as a battle report as a recap. We called it about turn 5.

The final Screen shot.
Most of what I have left are goblin/night gob units. We kind of estimated that the big combat would end up with me routing and caught and destroyed. That would kill off my BSB. My General is under the 3" template over yonder.

My opponent did a excellent job neutralizing my characters and other threats. Close combat wasn't reached till the bottom of turn 4. He did a great job of shooting me (magic included) to pieces before I could come to grips with him. I think if we had played it out a few more turns he would have wiped the map with me.

Things I learned:
Seed of rebirth. A regen save of 6+ is a useless item when combined with a character who already has a ward save of 6+.
Don't loll about with Orcs & Goblins. Get stuck in as soon as possible!
Casket of Souls will literally eat your soul if you hang about.

Still working on getting all the game mechanics down. Special thanks to my opponent who was more than patient with my slow play.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Night Goblin Archers

Here are some Night Goblin Archers I've been working on. I've decided not to go with the usual color scheme of all black clothing. I want my Orc and Goblin army to have a motley and fractious look so I'll be painting the ranks in different combinations of the same colors.


They've been painted up and highlighted with bleach bone, except for the skin colors of course. Then I dipped them in Minwax Polyshades Tudor Satin.